5 Reasons to Vote No on Josephine County Charter Replacement

By William Kronert Measure 17-116, a ballot measure to change the Josephine County charter, is a perfect example of liberal ideas. Here are five reasons to vote “No on 17-116” next May. First, Measure 17-116 removes a provision that is in our current charter. It removes a prohibition of income tax. Advocates argue that it will require voter approval and …

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Casket Maker Hopes Proposed Sales Tax is Met with Death Knell

By Richard Emmons I met with Don Scott on Sept. 16. He wanted to show me one of his $350 pine caskets, which he sells to individuals and local funeral homes. You can see his ad on page 20. I told him that folks should buy a casket now and use it to store firewood or grandkids’ toys until needed …

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Editorial: Commissioner Race: Vote for John West

The Board of County Commissioners faces challenges on funding the Sheriff’s Office, preventing wildfires, expanding housing opportunities in the county and running county operations at a time of leaner resources. So, what do we need in our new commissioner? An effective county commissioner requires a combination of leadership and management skills and experience. This is very different from school boards …

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Editorial: Sales Tax: Vote No

The proposed sales tax is like the Rogue River. On the surface the Rogue River is beautiful to look at and float down on a raft. Yet beneath the surface the fast-moving currents are risky. Hidden boulders can seriously harm anyone who gets knocked out of a raft. Likewise, the proposed sales tax appears simple. Just add 3 cents to …

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Why We Need Options for Education in Josephine County

By Brettani Shannon I was a public-school girl, myself, but once in middle school and high school, it wasn’t healthy for me. I ended up a teenage parent, dropping out of school and was lost for many years. Over time, I did what my mother did and turned lemons into lemonade. I used my experience in abusive relationships to advocate …

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Grants Pass Company Seeks to Save Honeybees from Deadly Parasite

By Richard Emmons As the editor of the Josephine County Eagle, people often seek me out to share story ideas, complain about local problems, or ask me to do a major journalistic investigation into something that affects only a handful of people in Josephine County. Sometimes an idea seems too good to be true yet intrigues me enough to sit …

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County Commissioners Send Seasonal Sales Tax to November Vote

By Richard Emmons On Aug. 10, the Josephine County Commissioners voted unanimously to place a 3% seasonal sales tax before the voters in November. The proposed sales tax would be 3% on the first $2,000 of most sales of products and services. Transaction amounts above $2,000 would not be taxed. The sales tax would be charged for the six-month period …

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Election Recap and Look to November

By Richard Emmons The May 17 election resulted in a November run-off for county commissioner between John West and Brian DeLaGrange, voters repealing the county code enforcement ordinance and voters saying “No” to a ballot question about moving Josephine County to the state of Idaho. Josephine County Counsel Wally Hicks ran unopposed and was reelected with 16,458 votes. Statewide voter …

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New County Budget Preserves Sheriff Patrols

By Richard Emmons On June 1, the Josephine County Board of Commissioners adopted a $196.7 million budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1. The budget prioritizes funding for the Sheriff’s Office to maintain patrols at current levels while eliminating some currently unfilled positions. Commissioner Herman Baertschiger commented afterwards, “we use some one-time fixes to backfill the Sheriff’s budget.” The …

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