
In 2021, we launched the Josephine County Eagle to report local and state news with a pro-freedom, anti-progressive, limited-government perspective. 

The very first Eagle was an 8-page newspaper with 14 articles delivered to homes in Josephine County. The Eagle grew to over 50 articles covering a wide spectrum of local, Oregon and national news along with other helpful information on pets, gardening, personal finance and more.

On February 23, 2024, the Josephine County Eagle became the Oregon Eagle. Why is that?

In Josephine County, we endorsed candidates for county commissioner, city council, and school boards over the past four years. Many won election and attempted to move in a more conservative, more frugal direction.

Unfortunately, these newly elected officials began to tell a similar story, "We'd like to change __________ but that's a law (or regulation or policy) set in Salem. We can't change that locally." 

The political reality is that rural counties live under laws passed by Portland politicians in Salem. A state dominated by progressive politicians makes life very difficult for many Oregonians. And very frustrating for so many local politicians. 

To change things, we need to change the narrative statewide. We cannot ignore what's happening in Salem. We need to spotlight local problems caused by what happens in Salem. We need to watch what happens in Salem so we can give a "heads-up" to local politicians and concerned citizens.

We also need to work hard to prevent harmful ballot measures like Measure 110 which legalized narcotics in Oregon and Measure 114 which greatly undermined our Second Amendment rights in Oregon.

Eagle readers throughout Oregon are better equipped to battle the Salem push for bigger, more costly and more burdensome state government.  

The never-ending pressures to expand government services and raise taxes require eternal vigilance. Let’s stand together and push for more freedom and less government across Oregon.

We all know that "freedom isn't free." It takes time, energy and money to get it and defend it. You may have received a free copy of the Oregon Eagle in the mail. We hope you'll subscribe to get future issues, support the cause of liberty in Oregon and keep the Eagle flying high.

Now more than ever, working smart and working together we can make a positive difference throughout Oregon.

Thank you for supporting the Oregon Eagle.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan