Josephine County Ballot Measures: Explanations and Recommendations

17-116 – Replacement of Josephine County Charter Measure 17-116 would replace the existing Josephine County Charter with an entirely new charter. The charter language covers five full pages in the voters’ pamphlet. It would be more pages, but the proposed charter removes Josephine County’s “Bill of Rights,” which include parental rights, protection of speech and religion, due process under asset …

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Editorial: Paying for Progressive Dreams

Progressive politicians dream of solving social problems with new government programs. The bill for these programs must be paid regardless of whether or not the program actually solves the problem and even when it makes the situation worse. How does this happen? When the economy is rolling and tax receipts rise, progressives add new programs and increase spending for all …

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Think Outside the Box: Air Guns Reveal Original Intent of Second Amendment

I began my college days studying engineering at the United States Naval Academy. “Plebe Summer” was brutal and full of surprises. One of them happened on the academy firing range. I grew up in a home without firearms. Yet in Boy Scouts we had fun shooting rifles, and I earned the Rifle Merit Badge at summer camp. I never used …

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Editorial: The Surprise of Christmas

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, “Caesar is Lord” was a political reality. Caesar Augustus ruled the known world.  Would this ever end? The birth of Jesus was foretold by the prophet Isaiah 700 years before: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name …

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Think Outside the Box: Should Non-Profits Pay for Local Law Enforcement?

From a tax perspective, non-profit organizations are “tax exempt” because they don’t pay federal or state corporate income taxes. They must make a “profit” through revenues from fees, donations and grants must exceed expenses, or else eventually the organization goes out of business. As tax-exempt organizations, they do not pay local property taxes, which support public safety, schools and the …

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Editorial: Recall Mayor Sara Bristol

It’s being claimed that “Mayor Bristol has no power to fix the problem of homeless people living in our parks.” Really? Her influence inside city government proves otherwise and is a power unto itself. Mayor Bristol was not a political neophyte when she became mayor. Her father is former Grants Pass Mayor Mike Murphy. He controversially appointed five city councilors …

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Editorial: Presidential Politics

Time flies in the political world. We no sooner have midterm elections when suddenly it’s time to begin the quadrennial presidential election cycle. Of course, President Joe Biden has announced he is running for another term in 2024. That’s no surprise. What about on the Republican side? Who should challenge Biden? Normally, this means keeping track of presidential hopefuls, listening …

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Editorial: Oregon Senators Must Stay Strong and Stay Away

Elections matter even when your side loses. In November 2022, the Republicans did not gain a majority in the Oregon Senate. By the GOP gaining just one seat, however, the Democratic Party lost its supermajority and cannot enact a new tax without at least one Republican or Independent vote. The change also means the 17 Democrat senators now need at …

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Editorial: November 2022 State Ballot Measures

Measure 111: Amends Constitution to obligate the state to “ensure that every resident of Oregon has access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care as a fundamental right.” This would put health care on the same funding priority level as getting a free education at a public school. What could be defined as “affordable” would be unaffordable to taxpayers. …

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