Editorial: Presidential Politics

Time flies in the political world. We no sooner have midterm elections when suddenly it’s time to begin the quadrennial presidential election cycle.

Of course, President Joe Biden has announced he is running for another term in 2024. That’s no surprise.

What about on the Republican side? Who should challenge Biden?

Normally, this means keeping track of presidential hopefuls, listening to speeches, reading position papers, watching primary debates and reading polling data. Not to mention hashing things out around the dinner table.

This, however, is not a normal year. One candidate stands out on the Republican side.

Not since Grover Cleveland ran and won in 1892, has a former president run for reelection after losing reelection. This means that Americans can elect a President who is not a rookie, someone who has had four years to plan his second term.

Someone who can rebuild our Southern border and stop the invasion of millions of illegal aliens and tons of lethal drugs.

Someone who can get American energy independence back by building pipelines, encouraging oil & gas drilling and taking a realistic view on “green” energy sources.

Someone who understands firsthand how we have a two-tier justice system in America. One where Antifa rioters and arsonists in Portland get applauded and released, while political enemies get held without charges for years for walking through the U.S. Capitol.

This candidate was indicted for removing boxes of records on the very same day we heard details about an FBI whistleblower who had provided evidence that Biden received a $5,000,000 foreign bribe while he was vice president. Yet, we’ve seen no indictments of any Bidens nor Hillary Clinton who had classified documents on her home server and deleted 33,000 emails related to her tenure as secretary of state.

What happens if a former president is convicted and sentenced? Well, Socialist Eugene Debs was on the 1920 presidential ballot while serving a prison sentence for opposing the draft during World War I. Debs got 3.4% of the vote.

This candidate is not a question mark when it comes to nominating Supreme Court justices. His three justices joined three others to overturn Roe v. Wade, making him the most pro-life president in American history.

Other candidates may promise to drain the swamp and shake up the status quo. This candidate figured how to do this late in his first term. He signed an executive order in October 2020 adding “Schedule F” to the civil services rules of the Executive Branch. This would allow the president to hire and fire 50,000 federal employees who make policy decisions. Repealing “Schedule F” was one of Biden’s first actions as president. This candidate has said he’ll sign it again.

This candidate can fill sports arenas and communicate a vision of the federal government that works for the people and reflects our values. He knows he can’t do this by himself and needs the support of the American people. And it’s clear that unlike so many politicians, this candidate truly loves America and everyday Americans.

America needs a battle-tested political warrior to fight the fight in Washington, D.C.

For these reasons and more, the Josephine County Eagle endorses Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. Working together, “Let’s Make American Great Again!”

Richard Emmons

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