Editorial: A New Direction for Oregon: Vote Christine Drazan for Governor

Back in August, Republicans were excited to learn Christian Drazan would attend the Josephine County Fair for a meet and greet. One Republican leader suggested we form a circle around Christine to protect her from overzealous Republicans. That was a needless worry.

Christine heard strong, informed and sometimes heated concerns about the SB 762 Wildfire Risk Map and other hot issues. She was calm, cool and collected as she listened patiently and explained why she voted yes or no on particular bills and what can be done to get Oregon back on track in 2023.

Christine Drazan made a lot of Democrats mad in 2020 when, under her leadership, the Republican House Caucus walkout stopped 250 bills, including anti-business climate change legislation.

Anyone dissatisfied with the academic and moral decline of Oregon’s public schools should vote for the only candidate with children who suffered under Gov. Kate Brown’s COVID-19 school closures.

Democrat Tina Kotek deserves much of the credit for Oregon’s progressive “progress” over the past 10 years. She was the speaker of the House while the Democrats had a super majority. No bill got a vote on the floor without her approval.

Independent Betsy Johnson hasn’t caught fire with the Oregon voters as a change agent. The political reality is the long-time Democrat voted with Tina Kotek 94% of the time (per the Republican Governors Association.) Republicans planning to vote for Johnson: Please reconsider. Your vote for a near-lifelong Democrat could give us four more years of left-wing “utopia.”

Christine Drazan has promised to get politics out of the classroom and tear up Gov. Brown’s executive orders. That would be a good start. There is much economic and social damage to repair, from land use to taxes to education to health … and the list goes on and on. Now is the time to get started.

We need a new and hopeful direction for Oregon. Vote for Christine Drazan for Oregon’s next governor.

Richard Emmons

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