They’re Asking 11-year-olds WHAT? Inside the Invasive ‘Student Health Survey’

By Eagle News Staff The Oregon Health Authority conducts an annual Student Health Survey of sixth, eighth and 11th grade students in Oregon public schools. According to the OHA, the surveys are designed to address student health and safety, student mental and behavioral health, school climate and culture, and the impact of COVID-19. The sixth grade Student Health Survey is …

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Why We Need Options for Education in Josephine County

By Brettani Shannon I was a public-school girl, myself, but once in middle school and high school, it wasn’t healthy for me. I ended up a teenage parent, dropping out of school and was lost for many years. Over time, I did what my mother did and turned lemons into lemonade. I used my experience in abusive relationships to advocate …

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Parents, Regarding Your Kids’ Schooling: Can You do Better?

By Victoria Marshall With the 2022 school year now over, parents have the right and responsibility to ask, “Can we do better?” According to World Population Review, Oregon ranks 40th of the 50 states in education overall. The NEA is more generous and has Oregon Public Schools listed 26th for the 2019-20 school year. Each organization has a different methodology …

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Your Child’s Best Education Now – Better Public Schools Later

Following the recent student walkout at Grants Pass High School and North Middle School, District 7 Board Member Gary Richardson said, “The school district becomes the parent when a child is dropped off at school or climbs into a school bus.” This was a reference to the doctrine of in loco parentis, which is the Latin phrase meaning “in place …

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Think-Outside-the-Box: Gov. Brown is Oregon’s No. 1 Homeschooling Advocate

In 2012, the Oregon Constitution was amended to eliminate an elected Chief of Public Instruction and put that authority directly in the governor’s office. Gov. Kate Brown has been Oregon governor since 2015. Gov. Brown has taken many actions that have undermined the public’s trust in public schooling while simultaneously causing many Oregon parents to consider homeschooling. In 2016, she …

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Guilty of ‘No Misconduct,’ GP’s Rachel and Katie are Back in School

By Richard Emmons “You were fired but not for misconduct with work.” Thus read the Oct. 28, 2021, legal conclusion of the Oregon Employment Department in its ruling for Katie Medart’s unemployment claim against the Grants Pass School District 7. Rachel Damiano’s unemployment claim against District 7 was denied on Aug. 9, 2021. However, on Oct. 8, that denial was …

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Revealed: District 7 Gender Identity Policy Hidden from Parents

By Constance Bradley Josephine County Eagle (7/15/2021, p. 1) There is currently no Grants Pass School District 7, board-approved policy for gender identity decisions. The district has hidden from the general public a memo that outlines a procedure to address the issues. Administrators have even gone so far as to not send it out or make it available to district …

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District 7 “Gender Identity, Transgender, Name and Pronoun Guidance” Administrative Memorandum

(The following Grants Pass School District 7 administrative policy was published in the Josephine County Eagle on 7/15/2021, p. 6.) Administrative Memorandum (Gender Identity, Transgender, Name and Pronoun Guidance) Dated February 5, 2021 1. Grants Pass School District prohibits discrimination or harassment on any basis protected by law, including sexual orientation and gender identity. See Policy AC, JB, JF/JFA, GBEA, …

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