Alternatives To High Health Insurance Premiums and Co-Pays

By Richard Emmons My family has gone without health insurance for 17 of the 23 years we’ve lived in Oregon. Did I worry about this? Not at all. Instead of traditional health insurance, we have been members of Samaritan Ministries, a health care sharing program. Each month we get the name and address of a Samaritan Ministries member who has …

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On COVID and the Vaccine: ‘Give it to me Straight, Doc’

By Rob Pell Josephine County Eagle (6/15/2021, p. 1) Since the coronavirus pandemic was declared by government officials in early 2020, lawmakers have been persuaded to build the global pandemic response around a single class of experimental vaccines. These products are generating billions of dollars in liability-free profits for drug companies and their partners, while the mainstream media bombard us …

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