Oregon’s Election Director Concerned that Post Office Can’t Handle November Crush of Mail-In Ballots

The uncertainty over whether President Joe Biden will run for reelection is over. Whether he’ll be able to complete his first term in office is still up in the air.

I’m not that old but I do have a “Hey, where’s the remote control?” moments now and then.

I don’t like the uncertainly of knowing whether Biden ever has “Hey, where’s the nuclear football?” moments. 

That’s scary.

Also scary is how Oregon’s Vote By Mail system is so dependent on the U.S. Postal Service’s ability to deliver mail in a timely manner.

I’m not alone. In fact, election directors from across the county share a similar fear. Read this AP story for more on this:

State election directors fear the Postal Service can’t handle expected crush of mail-in ballots

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — State election directors from across the country voiced serious concerns to a top U.S. Postal Service official Tuesday that the system won’t be able to handle an expected crush of mail-in ballots in the November election.

Steven Carter, manager of election and government programs for the postal service, attempted to reassure the directors at a meeting in Minneapolis that the system’s Office of Inspector General will publish an election mail report next week containing “encouraging” performance numbers for this year so far.

“The data that that we’re seeing showing improvements in the right direction,” Carter told a conference of the National Association of State Election Directors. “And I think the OIG report is especially complimentary of how we’re handling the election now.”

But state election directors stressed to Carter that they’re still worried that too many ballots won’t be delivered in time to be counted in November. They based their fears on past problems and a disruptive consolidation of postal facilities across the country that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has put on hold until after the elections.

Monica Evans, executive director of the District of Columbia Board of Elections, recounted how she never received her mail ballot for her own June primary. She ended up voting in person.


Click through to read more on this important story.

The AP photograph features Molly Woon who is Oregon’s election director in the Secretary of State’s office. She is leading a panel discussion with Steven Carter who is quoted above.

Woon worked for the Democratic Party of Oregon for 3.5 years prior to working in the Oregon Secretary of State’s office. 

She was featured in an article on Macslist.org about finding the perfect job:

Why do you love your job?

I apologize for being overtly political, but it is my job now! I love waking up each morning and knowing that I’m helping elect Democrats across Oregon and resisting the Trump Agenda. There’s no place I’d rather be at this point in our nation’s history.

To be clear Woon said that before getting her job in the Secretary of State’s office. That was then. This is now:

Woon is in charge of administering Oregon’s vote by mail elections working with state agencies and county clerks in Oregon’s 36 counties. I’m relieved she is concerned about the U.S. Postal Service’s ability to handle the crush of ballots in November.

This is all the more reason to drop your ballot off at the courthouse or one of the official ballot drop boxes.

Forget Vote By Mail. Vote By Drop Box is the way to go. 


With all the uncertainty over the post office, at least we can count on the stock market going up.

Well, not so much yesterday when the S&P 500 fell 2.3%. Today was a little better.

What to do? Don’t ask me. I’m just a humble newspaper editor who invests mainly in his own business.

What I do know is a better educated investor has a higher probability of financial success. That’s why we publish at least one article on personal finance in the Oregon Eagle.

In the June-July Oregon Eagle, I published an article by Troy Broussard which offered a decidedly nonconventional way to build wealth for retirement.

I published it on the Oregon Eagle website today. You can read here:

How To Retire Without Fear — Even During A Worldwide Financial Crisis


And now a word from our sponsor…Yes Troy Broussard advertised in the June-July Eagle.


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