Mission Looks Back on 2023 in Gratitude and Ahead to 2024 with Hope

By Brian Bouteller

Each year we consistently see the blessings of God poured out on dozens upon dozens of individuals who make the difficult decision to leave homelessness in trade for true community. We have been able to share the stories of many of them with you, and yet what we share is only a fraction of those who rediscover homefullness because of their stay at the Gospel Rescue Mission. While none of them is looking for recognition, all of them deserve it. This is also true of you.

It is because of your support of the Gospel Rescue Mission through your prayers, your giving and even your sharing with others about what is happening right here in our little community, that we can do what we do. We’ve been in Grants Pass for 40 solid years now, and it never grows old watching God change and transform people who come to us in such broken condition and leave both healed and healing. We may not be the solution for everyone, but for those for whom we are a good match, the change is deep and real.

Imagine hearing a resident say, “Hey, we need to pick up some coffee from the store because we’re nearly out.” To which they are told, “Add it to the prayer list and ask the Lord for it!” After rolling their eyes at us, the resident finally, reluctantly, writes it on our prayer list in the kitchen. And often before the ink is even dry, that same resident hears a buzz at the back door and goes to answer it. They are greeted by a smiling face, maybe even yours, and they hear, “Well, I was shopping at Costco, and I just felt the Lord prompt me to pick up some things for you all. Would you mind helping me unload my trunk?” In the back of the car is (among other things) 10 big bags of whole bean coffee! The look of shock is priceless!

When the tears are still fresh, we try to remind residents that although they may have already heard that Jesus loves them, this is proof that He even likes them! He enjoys displaying His love for people through His people, and He isn’t just reluctantly blessing them through some loophole of a technical obligation or contract. He knows that coffee is good at 5:30 a.m. and that really good coffee is even better! And He listens to their conversations and cares for their needs.

Artist rendition of MissionView Village

My prayer is that God will continue to stir your heart to support what He is doing at the Gospel Rescue Mission. We will always need partners like you, and because of that we will continue to share with you the amazing work He continues to do in changing lives and setting people free from homelessness.

This year we have embarked on a project we’re calling MissionView Village. It’s a community of 15 tiny homes designed to help seniors who are experiencing homelessness due to a low and limited fixed income. You can learn more and stay up to date by visiting www.grantspassmission.org. We have been blessed by a generous donor who has offered a matching grant for up to $650,000! This major contribution should cover half of the projected cost to build, but we can only get it if the community supports us with the other half. This means that your donation of any size will be doubled immediately! So please consider the Gospel Rescue Mission with your year-end giving.

Thank you for your consideration.

From myself and the entire staff at the Gospel Rescue Mission, God bless you and have a merry Christmas.

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” – Jeremiah 29:11

Brian Bouteller is the Executive Director of the Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission. Contributions can be mailed to the Gospel Rescue Mission, PO Box 190, Grants Pass, OR 97528. Online contributions can be made at grantspassmission.org.

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