To the citizens of Josephine County:
You put me in office with over 22,000 votes because you wanted someone strong and experienced enough to be willing to make changes and not keep the government status quo. As I understood it, my job was to work for and serve your best interests. That is precisely what I have done and will keep doing. However, there are those that do not like change and want things to stay the same.
As I continue to cut waste and roll-back the abuse of costly fees and government abuse, I upset some people in government. These people, along with a conglomeration of political leftist “elites” and the politicians in their pockets, are trying to get me to stop by initiating this attempt at my recall. I will NEVER give in to a group of bullies that lie in a bid to steal what the voters wanted. Please join me. Let’s stand together and keep the citizens in charge.
My office will continue to be open to each and every one of you. If you have questions or issues, bring them. Let’s talk.
Your County Commissioner,
John West
Facts of the Recall Attempt
On Friday August 2nd, a recall petition was filed on Commissioner John West stating false claims of “… ignoring the will of the people and for actions that have:
- Affected health and safety of the community;
- Lost revenue, increased cost, or haphazardly cut valued services;
- Failed to follow the law.”
The allegations are unadulterated fabrications – complete lies.
The chief petitioner of the recall attempt is Lily Morgan, Gold Hill’s City Manager. Morgan is a political opportunist who faced West’s scrutiny when she was a Josephine County Commissioner, and she is now reportedly seeking payback. As a former commissioner she should know that one commissioner can NEVER act alone.
Let’s take each untruthful allegation, one at time:
1) Bad faith negotiations on county owned property known as Pipe Fork and jeopardizing William’s water supply.
TRUTH: The environmentalist group involved in negotiations with the county for the sale of the Pipe Fork land changed the terms by not requiring it to be left open to the public. Now, they want to give it to the BLM to be potentially clearcut or permanently closed off to the public and mismanaged. Last, this group wanted YOUR taxpayer land at a discounted price of $430,000 UNDER market value.
According to the State Water Master, Pipe Fork Creek is not a domestic water source for Williams.
2) Ignoring the will of the voters by eliminating funding for OSU extension, law enforcement and public health.
TRUTH: The Board of Commissioners oversees the 4-H taxing district. OSU Extension and 4-H refused to provide all the budget information requested to show where they were spending $1.2 million dollars of taxpayers’ money.
Fact: State and federal grant money is taxpayer money belonging to you and the citizens of Josephine County. The Board of Commissioners’ job is to watch for waste, abuse and fraud of your money. Commissioner West held OSU accountable for spending your money incorrectly with no accountability.
Meanwhile, the Youth and Ag program is better than ever!
TRUTH: John West was the only vote against cutting the Sheriff’s request for 10 deputies, and for cutting the Community Health budget (Budget Hearing available online).
3) Allegation West shows pattern of breaking state laws and labor law violations.
TRUTH: Commissioner West has NOT violated a single regulation or law. A small group of John West haters have filed roughly 13 ethics charges. 11 have been dismissed and 2 are pending dismissal.
4) Allegations of unlawfully approved library district withdrawal.
TRUTH: Per state law, a citizen was able to apply to withdraw from the library district. This was due to an improper form being used. The commissioners froze the process until the proper forms were in place, assuring the library never had to “spend a dime.” The library and the county have agreed that the proper form is now in use, and the library has dropped their complaint.
5) Allegations of West showing a pattern of threatening community safety
TRUTH: Commissioner West voted to extend the length of the Firewise Program because of budget cuts from the state.
FACT: Commissioner West has never cut emergency management programs. Oregon Department of Forestry provides wildland fire protection. However, the commissioners did vote 3-0 to NOT make citizens pay TWICE for the same coverage.
6) Allegations of hiring unqualified political allies for county and contractor positions
TRUTH: All county employees are hired based on the highest qualifications and experience pursuant to the job description and needs of the program. All contractors have experience and have shown the skill set needed for the task.
FACT: One contractor received $1,600 per month for two months resulting in Josephine County receiving $150,000 in grant funding for the broadband program, the highest award of any county in the state.
Matthew 18:15 If your brother or sister sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.
Lily Morgan and the other petitioners never did the honorable thing and attempted to discuss their issues with West. John West has always been and will continue to be available to them and anyone else who is truly interested in resolving differences like adults.
West is first and foremost a public servant. He took an oath to uphold the constitution and all state and local laws, but more than that he made a promise to be a good steward of your hard-earned tax money and he has lived up to that promise. There are those out there, like the petitioners of the recall, who think they know better than the citizens.
Commissioner John West is the Chair of the Josephine County Board of County Commissioners. josephinecounty.gov