Source: Stone Ridge Christian School website
The diabolical madness that has consumed the Western world in recent years has once again stolen young girls’ dreams.
Fortunately, these particular girls, though criminally betrayed by dishonest adults, care more for truth than for their own earthly glory.
On Friday, the girls volleyball team at Stone Ridge Christian High in Merced, California, cited the Book of Genesis in announcing via news release that it would forfeit Saturday’s playoff game against San Francisco Waldorf, which boasts a male player posing as female.
“At SRC, we believe God’s Word is authoritative and infallible. It is Truth,” the school explained in a statement posted to the social media platform X.
“And as Genesis makes clear, God wonderfully and immutably created each person as male or female,” the statement continued.
With that in mind, SRC students and the adults who support them made a “heartbreaking” decision to end their season.
“We do not believe sex is changeable and we do not intend to participate in events that send a different message. We also have a duty and responsibility to care for the health and safety of our athletes. So after consulting with our students, coaches, and staff, we have made the difficult decision to forfeit Saturday’s game. Standing for Biblical truth means more than the outcome of a game,” the statement read.
According to the Merced Sun-Star, San Francisco Waldorf secured the top seed in the state playoffs after finishing 21-3.
Of course, assuming the world recovers from transgender madness, future generations will affix a massive asterisk to that record.
Thankfully, the oppressive lie that men can become women, or vice versa, has already shown signs of lifting. Brave girls and young women have sacrificed their own athletic goals in order to stand against it.
Meanwhile, those young people have paid a terrible price for doing what misguided or malevolent adults ought to have done.
In fact, not only have the girls of the SRC volleyball team suffered a kind of brutalization at the hands of those who promote what X owner Elon Musk has called the “woke mind virus,” but so too have the girls of San Francisco Waldorf and every other school where administrators, in a grotesque parody of moral virtue, have insisted that allowing males to compete in female sports or otherwise invade female spaces qualifies as compassionate.
In other words, students who have gone along with this madness have had their compassion manipulated and weaponized against them.
To anyone who understands history and human nature, the reason could not be clearer: impossible lies serve totalitarian ends.
In this case, the lie that men can become women, or vice versa, has served an Orwellian purpose.
George Orwell’s dystopian classic “1984” featured a totalitarian state called “Oceania,” where authorities forced political prisoners to confess that sometimes two plus two can equal five. If the state could compel people to repeat that lie, then it could compel them to say or do anything.
Transgender ideology has emerged as a modern equivalent of two plus two equals five. No reasonable person seriously believes it. And yet many powerful people have imposed it on others while demanding total compliance with the obvious falsehood.
Of course, SRC did not need to cite the Bible as an explanation for its forfeit decision. After all, non-Christians can also embrace sanity and oppose totalitarianism.
Still, we commend the school for its decision, as well as its reference to Genesis, for there is something about the depth and depravity of this particular lie that turns our attention to the root of all truth.
Thus, in an ironic sense, we owe peddlers of transgender ideology a debt of gratitude. Without knowing or intending it, they have strengthened our commitment to God.
This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.
Michael Schwarz is a reporter at The Western Journal. He holds a Ph.D. in History and has taught at multiple colleges and universities. westernjournal.com