Supreme Court reverses 9th Circuit ruling that Grants Pass Anti-Camping Ordinance constitutes “Cruel and Unusual Punishment”

Today, the United States Supreme Court announced a 6-3 decision in favor of the City of Grants Pass in the City of Grants Pass v. Gloria Johnson. Thus ends a six-year court battle which began in 2018 when this class action lawsuit was filed against the City of Grants Pass for enforcing anti-camping ordinances in its city parks. Justice Gorsuch …

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How Hillary Clinton helped Make America Great Again and kept Julian Assange in Jail…until Today

UPDATE 6/26/2024: Zero Hedge reports that Julian Asange has now landed in his home country of Australia. This morning he made a short stopover and court appearance in a US district court in Saipan. “Crucially, the judge said something which marks a significant blow to Assange’s and WikiLeaks’ detractors, who have long maintained that the leaks – particularly the Iraq …

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Our Modern-Day Churchill: Like Him or Not, Vote Trump

By Entrepreneur “X” Donald Trump squeaking out a slim-margin victory in November will do little good. For this nation’s bullet train to catastrophe to be stopped, turned around and brought in the other direction will require him winning by such a landslide that every politician fears him and his voters, for both the House and the Senate to go Republican …

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Anti-Trump Lawsuits Reveal Actual Conspiracy and ‘Racketeering’

By David J. Carey It is past time to call out the real racketeering and the conspirators guilty of it. Hundreds of Trump supporters remain in jail charged with “crimes,” initially including “insurrection” relating to the Jan. 6, 2021, demonstration at the Capitol building in Washington D.C. None of them has been convicted of insurrection, yet Trump has been charged …

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