Supreme Court reverses 9th Circuit ruling that Grants Pass Anti-Camping Ordinance constitutes “Cruel and Unusual Punishment”

Today, the United States Supreme Court announced a 6-3 decision in favor of the City of Grants Pass in the City of Grants Pass v. Gloria Johnson. Thus ends a six-year court battle which began in 2018 when this class action lawsuit was filed against the City of Grants Pass for enforcing anti-camping ordinances in its city parks. Justice Gorsuch …

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How Hillary Clinton helped Make America Great Again and kept Julian Assange in Jail…until Today

UPDATE 6/26/2024: Zero Hedge reports that Julian Asange has now landed in his home country of Australia. This morning he made a short stopover and court appearance in a US district court in Saipan. “Crucially, the judge said something which marks a significant blow to Assange’s and WikiLeaks’ detractors, who have long maintained that the leaks – particularly the Iraq …

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Our Modern-Day Churchill: Like Him or Not, Vote Trump

By Entrepreneur “X” Donald Trump squeaking out a slim-margin victory in November will do little good. For this nation’s bullet train to catastrophe to be stopped, turned around and brought in the other direction will require him winning by such a landslide that every politician fears him and his voters, for both the House and the Senate to go Republican …

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How Oregon’s Economic Forecast Will Affect Your Wallet

Democrats will look you straight in the eye and tell you that Oregon’s economy is booming. Why? A rosy economic forecast helps them justify astronomical government spending, minimizes the possibility of returning another massive kicker tax refund to Oregonians and ultimately makes it easier for them to stay in power. I’ll explain how as we dig into Oregon’s June economic …

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Why This Billionaire Venture Capitalist Backs President Trump

As many press accounts have reported, I’m hosting a fundraising event for President Donald J. Trump at my home in San Francisco this evening. [Note: The June 6 fundraiser brought in $12 million.] Over the last couple of years, I have hosted events for presidential candidates Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as well as several congressional …

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Winning Elections with Integrity and Authenticity

Oregonians want honest elected officials. And yet, politics has become so corrupt that many voters ignore those officials as much as possible, and many of them don’t even vote. One lesson from the Senate District 2 primary election is that Republican campaign consultants and candidates should run strictly honest campaigns. It actually isn’t hard – just try to tell the …

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Time to End Boys Competing in Girls Sports

By Rep. Dwayne Yunker In May, I attended the Oregon high school track and field state championships at the University of Oregon’s Hayward Field. At the meet, I witnessed girls cheated out of their rightful places on the podium by the orders, policies and laws put in place by Democrats. Let me explain. At the meet, a 10th grade male …

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The Flying Lark Facility Sold to River Valley Community Church

After more than a year on the market, the Josephine County Board of Commissioners accepted an all-cash offer of $9.5 million for The Flying Lark facility and property from River Valley Community Church. The developer of The Flying Lark, Travis Boersma, gifted the facility to the county in February 2023 after failing to secure a required Historical Horseracing Machine license …

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Democrats Mislead Oregonians: Saying No to Bad Ideas

By Rep. Dwayne Yunker The media really want us to believe some whoppers. Recently in California, a man was arrested for allegedly eating a train crash victim’s severed leg. A news story catchline described the man as a “hungry passerby.” In this case, the journalist was just trying to be funny. I think. But misleading catchlines are no joke. Oregon’s …

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The Rise and Fall of Christine Goodwin

Credit: NBC 5 News

When Christine Goodwin was appointed to complete the term of the late state Rep. Gary Leif, who died in July of 2021, she had no intention of running for a full term. The News-Review reported, “[Goodwin] said she doesn’t want to run for the office in 2022 because moving to Salem is not something she and her husband want to …

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