Jackson County Ballot Measures: Explanations and Recommendations

On the May 21 ballot, there are three ballot measures to change the Jackson County Charter, the City of Ashland, Evans Valley Fire District and Three Rivers School District. Jackson County 15-224 – Jackson County Commissioners to be Non-Partisan Under this ballot measure, there would no longer be a primary election whereby Democrats and Republicans in May nominate a candidate …

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Josephine County Ballot Measures: Explanations and Recommendations

17-116 – Replacement of Josephine County Charter Measure 17-116 would replace the existing Josephine County Charter with an entirely new charter. The charter language covers five full pages in the voters’ pamphlet. It would be more pages, but the proposed charter removes Josephine County’s “Bill of Rights,” which include parental rights, protection of speech and religion, due process under asset …

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National Media Coverage of GP Homeless Lawsuit Uniformly Biased

By Brian Bouteller It’s kind of strange to have spoken with so much of the national media and then watch what has been reported so far, as they repeat a clear, seemingly unified and demonstrably biased framing. The reporting suggests that the City of Grants Pass is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to allow us to punish homeless people in …

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Curry County Election Information

Measure 8-114 – Tax Levy for Curry County Law Enforcement Measure 18-114 is a proposed 5-year property tax levy in Curry County. The levy would increase property taxes by $2.23/$1,000 of assessed property value. The levy is estimated to raise over $8 million each year. The Notice of Measure Election says these funds would allow the Curry County Sherriff’s Office …

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BREAKING: Lawsuit filed to disqualify Rep. Christine Goodwin from representing House District 4 and running for Senate District 2

Update (3/16/24 1:12PM): The Eagle asked John West why he filed the lawsuit. Here is his reply: “As a commissioner, I represent all of Josephine County citizens. We depend upon honest leaders to represent us in Salem. It was my obligation and duty as a private citizen to do this for our district. There could be serious consequences if the …

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Proposed Josephine County Charter Already Conflicts with Past Court Rulings

In May Josephine County voters will decide whether to keep the existing county charter or replace it with a new county charter by approving Measure 17-116. Among other changes, the proposed charter would increase the number of commissioners from three to five and reduce commissioner compensation to $24,000 per year. “Section 7. COMPENSATION AND COMMISSION EXPENSES. County Commissioners shall serve …

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The ‘Oregon Plan’ For Affordable Housing: Kicking the Working Class While They’re Down

By Dave Hunnicutt The American Planning Association (APA), the national organization for state and local planners, recently published a brutally honest assessment of the impact of residential upzoning (i.e. increasing housing density) on low-income households and low-income neighborhoods. While the APA’s conclusions shouldn’t surprise anyone, their honesty and willingness to acknowledge problems that are taboo subjects in Oregon planning and …

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Teaching Oregon Students to Read and to Work

By Dr. Noah Robinson Oregon public school quality comes in last or almost last in the nation depending on what metric you use. That’s pretty bad. The nationwide average is extremely poor. After my mother died when I was 10, our family developed a self-teaching methodology that worked extremely well. All six of us (I have five brothers and sisters) …

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Despite Pushback, Feds Finalize Plan for Off-Shore Wind Farms

By Stefanie Settle On Tuesday, Feb. 13, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) issued a Notice of Intent to assess potential impact from offshore wind leasing off the coast of Oregon. This follows the federal agency’s announcement of the designation of two final Wind Energy Areas for potential floating offshore wind farms near Coos Bay and Brookings. According to …

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Ballot Measure 114 Ruling Highlights Wisdom of 1857 Oregonians

Last month’s ruling on Ballot Measure 114 was a wonderful reminder of the importance of having written Constitutions (state and federal) that are understood and applied. This historic ruling gets right to the point and hits a bull’s eye: “The Harney County Circuit Court is issuing a Permanent Injunction under Oregon Revised Statute 28.020 declaring 2022 Ballot Measure 114 unconstitutional …

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