Why Oregon has Failed to Teach Kids to Read after $250M Spent in 25 Years

By Alex Baumhardt, Oregon Capital Chronicle Editor’s note: This article comprises excerpts from an in-depth 3-part series published by the Oregon Capital Chronicle on the causes of the low reading proficiency of Oregon public school students. The 11,000-word series was researched over four months and included interviews with more than 80 teachers, parents, elected officials and college professors. Part 1: …

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Oregon School Testing: 43% Proficient in English, 30% in Math

By Alex Baumhardt, Oregon Capitol Chronicle Most Oregon students have not regained ground in key subjects following the COVID pandemic, but steep declines in English language arts, math and science proficiency that occurred during the pandemic are beginning to level off, according to the latest results from statewide assessment tests.  Gov. Tina Kotek said in a news release that the …

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Should Students Launch a Business While in High School?

In 2017, I attended our Chamber of Commerce’s annual awards banquet. I sat next to the leader of the FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) group from one of our local high schools. He told me that 25% of their high school graduates begin their freshman year in college. Of those students, only half begin their sophomore year in college. …

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More Excellent Way: Monday School or Sunday School?

Let’s look at truth and how it is being taught to many children. In Sunday School, children learn that God created the Earth out of nothing by the word of His power. In Monday (through Friday) School, children are taught that everything evolved from nothing after the Big Bang. In Sunday School, children are taught that God created Man in …

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They’re Asking 11-year-olds WHAT? Inside the Invasive ‘Student Health Survey’

By Eagle News Staff The Oregon Health Authority conducts an annual Student Health Survey of sixth, eighth and 11th grade students in Oregon public schools. According to the OHA, the surveys are designed to address student health and safety, student mental and behavioral health, school climate and culture, and the impact of COVID-19. The sixth grade Student Health Survey is …

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Casket Maker Hopes Proposed Sales Tax is Met with Death Knell

By Richard Emmons I met with Don Scott on Sept. 16. He wanted to show me one of his $350 pine caskets, which he sells to individuals and local funeral homes. You can see his ad on page 20. I told him that folks should buy a casket now and use it to store firewood or grandkids’ toys until needed …

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Should Homelessness be Escaped or Enabled?

By Ron Strom and Mary Lou Thomason Editor’s Note: This column first appeared in the Eagle in 2021. It has been updated for today’s ongoing debate over homelessness in Grants Pass. The Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission has helped people leave homelessness behind and become contributing members of our community since 1984. Today, we are fully committed to continuing this …

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Editorial: Sales Tax: Vote No

The proposed sales tax is like the Rogue River. On the surface the Rogue River is beautiful to look at and float down on a raft. Yet beneath the surface the fast-moving currents are risky. Hidden boulders can seriously harm anyone who gets knocked out of a raft. Likewise, the proposed sales tax appears simple. Just add 3 cents to …

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The SB 762 Wildfire Map Could be the Least of Our Worries

By Bob Hart It seems like wildfires during the summer have become a way of life in Southern Oregon. But an unexpected “wildfire” was lit in the summer of 2022 with the arrival of letters to thousands of property owners informing them that they were high or extreme risk for wildfires as shown on a newly published map from the …

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Why We Need Options for Education in Josephine County

By Brettani Shannon I was a public-school girl, myself, but once in middle school and high school, it wasn’t healthy for me. I ended up a teenage parent, dropping out of school and was lost for many years. Over time, I did what my mother did and turned lemons into lemonade. I used my experience in abusive relationships to advocate …

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