Editorial: November 2022 State Ballot Measures

Measure 111: Amends Constitution to obligate the state to “ensure that every resident of Oregon has access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care as a fundamental right.” This would put health care on the same funding priority level as getting a free education at a public school. What could be defined as “affordable” would be unaffordable to taxpayers. …

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Editorial: A New Direction for Oregon: Vote Christine Drazan for Governor

Back in August, Republicans were excited to learn Christian Drazan would attend the Josephine County Fair for a meet and greet. One Republican leader suggested we form a circle around Christine to protect her from overzealous Republicans. That was a needless worry. Christine heard strong, informed and sometimes heated concerns about the SB 762 Wildfire Risk Map and other hot …

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Editorial: Commissioner Race: Vote for John West

The Board of County Commissioners faces challenges on funding the Sheriff’s Office, preventing wildfires, expanding housing opportunities in the county and running county operations at a time of leaner resources. So, what do we need in our new commissioner? An effective county commissioner requires a combination of leadership and management skills and experience. This is very different from school boards …

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Should Homelessness be Escaped or Enabled?

By Ron Strom and Mary Lou Thomason Editor’s Note: This column first appeared in the Eagle in 2021. It has been updated for today’s ongoing debate over homelessness in Grants Pass. The Grants Pass Gospel Rescue Mission has helped people leave homelessness behind and become contributing members of our community since 1984. Today, we are fully committed to continuing this …

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Editorial: Sales Tax: Vote No

The proposed sales tax is like the Rogue River. On the surface the Rogue River is beautiful to look at and float down on a raft. Yet beneath the surface the fast-moving currents are risky. Hidden boulders can seriously harm anyone who gets knocked out of a raft. Likewise, the proposed sales tax appears simple. Just add 3 cents to …

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Raw political power in Salem takes down The Flying Lark

Today, The Flying Lark’s application for horse racing machines was blocked by the Oregon Racing Commission. The ORC members voted this way due to pressure by Gov. Kate Brown. Here are excerpts from the Oregonian’s report with my comments in brackets: === Oregon Racing Commission, under pressure from governor, moves to block Travis Boersma’s Grants Pass gambling center The Oregon …

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Attention Leaders: Stay in Your Lane!

Before we get to leaders generally, let’s talk about you leading you. Individual self-government is the foundation of all governmental units in society. I begin with self-government because without people controlling themselves, there will either be anarchy or tyranny. If all of us first pay attention to governing ourselves, then other forms of government in society will be just. Most …

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