

5 Reasons To Advertise in the Eagle

  1. The Eagle gets read because it is interesting and covers important topics. Readers slow down, read the articles, and see the ads. Your ad. Your ad will never be buried on a page full of ads. This matters a lot because you don’t want readers flipping past a page full of ads to get to the next article. And missing your ad.
  2. Your ad gets professionally designed by a trained graphic artist and reviewed by a marketing strategist. All at no extra cost. Of course, you may use your own graphic designer for your advertisement. Note: the Eagle does not create ads for political campaigns. 
  3. The Eagle promotes its advertisers in its Eagle News Updates sent via email to its most interested readers. Eagle readers know the Eagle exists because of its advertisers. You support the Eagle, Eagle readers support you and our community gets better informed. A win-win-win situation.
  4. The Oregon Eagle is published in February, April, June, August, October and December.  Your ad won't appear one day and be gone the next. Readers may keep their paper (and your ad) around for a month or longer.
  5. By supporting the Eagle, you support the cause of creating a better Oregon for us and for future generations. This includes your grandchildren and your grandchildren’s grandchildren. What good does it do to have a successful business if your adult children (and the grandkids) move to Idaho, Florida or Texas? 

How To Get Started

Your first step is to complete the "Explore Eagle Advertising" form which tells us a little about your business. We'll add you to our email list so you'll begin receiving Eagle News Updates. We'll be in contact with you soon to talk about your ad and reserve your ad space in the next edition of the Oregon Eagle.

Send your questions to info {at} oregoneagle {dot} com or use our Contact form.
